Insurance Planning
Protecting You and Your Family from the Unexpected
Life Insurance
Whether you are looking for low-cost term coverage; a guaranteed death benefit protection; or consistently strong cash value accumulation potential, selecting the right policy is a critical component of any comprehensive financial plan.
Life insurance policies issued in the past may no longer provide the coverage and benefits expected and/or needed.
For example:
• New mortality tables have substantially reduced life insurance premiums
• Life insurance company ratings may have declined
• The policy may be under performing or has become non-competitive
• Life insurance premiums have increased
• Original policy assumptions and projections did not hold up
• Death benefits have decrease
Financial Capital Group, LLC can help by conducting a policy review, evaluating risks, obtaining in-force ledgers, providing viable alternatives, and pricing new coverage.
Life Settlements*
Owners of life insurance policies now have the option of selling their unwanted or unneeded life insurance policies in the secondary market.
Instead of surrendering these policies or letting them lapse - policy owners now have the power to sell their policy to another party in return for a cash compensation higher than the policies cash surrender value.
Financial Capital Group, LLC represents the seller's interest in a life settlement transaction and can perform due diligence by researching the market place for a reputable life settlement provider/broker. We have access to more than 15 highly capitalized funding sources and can obtain multiple offers for your policies.
*Life settlements are offered on traditional products through Financial Capital Group, LLC and are not securities products offered through Ameritas Investment Corp.
Long Term Care (LTC) Insurance
As health care costs continue to rise, a long-term illness can have a devastating effect on you and your families future. This could significantly impact your ability to meet retirement income goals and/or reduce the financial legacy you plan to leave to your heirs. Planning for your LTC needs now may help you and your family maintain your current quailty of life and standard of living.
The right LTC policy can help cover the cost of your LTC needs while offering you the flexibility, choice, and control over how and where you receive that care.
Financial Capital Group, LLC has access to a network of LTC insurance carriers. We can provide you with policy design, features, pricing, and a comparison of products and benefits currently available in the market place.
Disability Income (DI) Insurance
Your abilty to earn a living and contribute to your household is likely your most valuable asset. DI Insurance helps supplement lost income when you are unable to work due to a disability resulting from an illness or accident.
Coverage and benefits available for:
• Personal Individual Disability Income
• Business Overhead Expense
• Buy-Out Funding
• Key Person Replacement
• Salary Continuation
• Loan Indemnification
• Contract Guarantee